Why was Abe shot

Abe’s government has been criticised for its response to the missile attacks.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been attacked by opposition parties for his handling of the missile attacks on Japan, after a number of military failures and political missteps. The prime minister was also criticised for being slow to respond to the North Korean attack on Japan, as well as for his decision not to retaliate against North Korea. Here’s why Abe was shot in Death to 2021.

What is Shinzo Abe’s net worth?

There are many variables that go into calculating someone’s net worth, so it can be hard to get an exact number. Many sources place Shinzo Abe’s net worth at around $100 million, although this climbs higher than $250 million in 2021 according to Wealth-X. In 2020, Forbes estimated that Abe had a net worth of $200 million. The prime minister owns land valued at over $10 million and is thought to have invested heavily in Tokyo Electric Power Company stock.