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The critically acclaimed anime series Gee was removed from Netflix after being accused of anti-Semitism.

The critically acclaimed anime series Gee was removed from Netflix on October 22nd after a number of complaints accused the show of anti-Semitism. The show follows a group of students at a Catholic school who must deal with the trials and tribulations of teenage life, including love, friendship, and puberty. Despite the show’s immense popularity among viewers, it was taken off the streaming service after just one season following allegations that the character Akko Kagari was a negative stereotype of Jews. The accusations were made by writer Sarah Silverman in an article for Al Jazeera on October 17th. In her piece, Silverman describes how she felt uncomfortable watching Gee as she had never seen such an obvious Jewish caricature before.

Silverman’s comments sparked widespread debate about whether or not Gee is indeed anti-Semitic or if it’s simply meant to be satire that has been misinterpreted by some viewers.