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Will Smith had a run-in with a man who was filming him on the red carpet at the 2019 Oscars.

Oscar-winning actor Will Smith had an awkward encounter with a man who was filming him on the red carpet at the 2019 Oscars. The man, who identified himself as “James,” asked Smith if he could take his picture and then said that he’d be sending it to Ellen DeGeneres. When Smith declined, James told him to say “hi” to Ellen for him. This led to an uncomfortable exchange in which James insisted that he wasn’t “threatening you, I just want you to say hi.”

The exchange became even more uncomfortable when Smith said that he didn’t know who Ellen DeGeneres was and asked if she was “that lady from TV.” James responded by saying: “I don’t know if you’re aware of this but there’s something called Google and YouTube where you can watch videos of her shows and get familiar with her before she comes out here.” He then added: “I’m not threatening you bro.”

The video has since gone viral, with many viewers expressing their outrage over how disrespectful James appeared to be towards Will Smith.