Why would Russia invade Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine have a complicated history, with many different events having contributed to the current situation.

Ukraine has been at the centre of an international dispute since 2014, when Russian forces invaded the country. The two countries have had a complicated history for centuries, but the current situation is due to many different events that happened over time. The invasion was one of many actions taken by Russia to expand its territory and power in Eastern Europe. While it has since been removed from power, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin instigated the conflict. He had a long-standing goal of expanding Russia’s borders and increasing its influence in Europe.

To do this, he first sought to destabilise Ukraine by supporting pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. These rebels are fighting against Ukrainian forces to gain independence from Kiev and establish their own state called Novorossiya (New Russia). In 2014, they took control of several regions in eastern Ukraine and declared them independent states.