Why were people envious of Benjamin Jowett?

The headmaster of Balliol College was the subject of envy, but not for his intellect.

The late 19th century was a time when Oxford University was booming. It had become a breeding ground for many intellectual minds, including some of the most brilliant minds in history. The university’s most prestigious college at the time was Balliol College, which became home to some of the greatest intellectuals in history. One such figure was Benjamin Jowett, who served as the college’s headmaster from 1855 to 1893. However, despite his status as one of Oxford’s most respected figures, Jowett wasn’t immune to jealousy and envy.


One example of this came from William Gladstone, who became Prime Minister three times between 1868 and 1894. Although he wasn’t an Oxford man himself (he attended Edinburgh University), Gladstone still took issue with Jowett and their relationship quickly deteriorated into mutual dislike. This led to Gladstone referring to Jowett as “a squalid nuisance” and even threatening him with violence on several occasions.
