Why were Graham Crackers invented

Graham Crackers were invented in the late 1800s by Sylvester Graham.

Graham crackers are a popular snack in the United States, but their history and origin are somewhat of a mystery. The crackers were invented by Dr. Sylvester Graham, who was a Presbyterian minister and dietitian who advocated vegetarianism and healthy eating habits. He came up with the idea of creating a food that would be bland enough to not interfere with digestion while also being nutritious enough to replace breads and pastas.

Dr. Graham’s original recipe for graham crackers included wheat flour, brown sugar, water, molasses, butter, cinnamon, and ginger. The recipe was intended to be baked into squares or rectangles that could then be ground into crumbs to make bread crumbs or crushed into powder for use as an ingredient in baking cakes or biscuits. As time went on, bakers started adding honey or sugar syrup to make the dough easier to handle during baking.