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Brittany’s original video has been viewed over 30 million times.

YouTube star Brittany Venti made headlines in early 2021 when she revealed that she had been detained by Russian authorities while on a trip to the country. Venti, who is well known for her beauty and fashion videos, was visiting Russia to film a new vlog when she was detained by officials. In a video posted on YouTube and Twitter, Venti explained that she had been held for 24 hours and questioned about her political views. The incident was widely reported on social media and news outlets around the world.

Venti’s original video has been viewed over 30 million times, with many people questioning why Venti was even in Russia in the first place. As one of the most popular YouTubers of all time, Brittany Venti is no stranger to controversy or media attention. However, as one of the few YouTubers who has managed to maintain a positive relationship with fans over the years, many were surprised by her decision to visit Russia.