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The average price of gas in the United States is $3.67 per gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Gas prices are currently higher than they have been in a decade, and many people are wondering why. The average price of gas in the United States is $3.67 per gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. That’s nearly 50 cents more than it was at this time last year, and more than 80 cents higher than it was five years ago.

There are several factors that contribute to this increase in gas prices, including a growing economy and increased demand for oil as well as President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.

Why is gas so expensive right now?

Gas prices can be affected by a number of factors including the cost of crude oil, foreign policy decisions made by countries that produce oil and natural disasters that affect oil production or transportation. In recent years, these factors have all contributed to increasing gas prices.