Why the heck did I buy this house

How much did Boris Johnson’s home cost?

When Prime Minister Boris Johnson bought his home in Islington, London, in 2018, he was not the only one who ended up paying for it. The property purchase was actually a gift from his wife, Marina Wheeler. At the time of the purchase, Boris was already well-known as a Conservative MP and had already served as Mayor of London for two terms. It is unclear exactly how much the house cost at the time of purchase or what it is worth now.

What is Boris Johnson’s net worth?

It’s hard to put an exact number on someone else’s net worth, as there are so many variables and estimates to take into account. For Boris Johnson, most sources place his net worth around $15 million in 2020 according to Celebrity Net Worth. In 2021, it climbs to $30 million according to Idol Net Worth.

How much did Boris Johnson pay for his house?

In 2018, Prime Minister Boris Johnson purchased a four bedroom property in Islington for £1 million ($1.4 million). At the time of purchase, this made him one of the wealthiest MPs in Parliament and raised questions about whether he could remain impartial when voting on laws that would affect wealthy people like himself.