Why protest against Agneepath scheme

Agnipath scheme is a disaster for the country.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has come under fire for his Agnipath scheme, which would require the purchase of solar panels for all homes in the UK. The scheme was announced on October 23rd, just a few days after he had assumed office. Since then, it has been heavily criticised by many, including former Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

What is Agnipath?

Agnipath is an energy policy that aims to make Britain self-sufficient in renewable energy by requiring every home to install solar panels. The plan was announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on October 23rd, shortly after he had taken office following the resignation of Theresa May. While many praised him for making such a bold move towards sustainability and environmentalism, others were quick to criticise him for not consulting with experts before announcing such a massive policy change.

Why are people protesting against Agnipath?

The policy has been heavily criticised by many who claim that it will cost too much money and take too long to implement. Many believe that this will cause problems with energy supply in the short term as well as in the long term when there are still issues with renewable energy production.