Why is the market crashing today

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by nearly 1,500 points on October 27th, the largest one-day drop in history.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by nearly 1,500 points on October 27th, the largest one-day drop in history. The Dow had already been dropping since early October, and it continued to fall throughout the day on October 27th. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq also dropped significantly. This prompted President Donald Trump to hold a press conference at the White House where he blamed China for artificially lowering its currency and said that “nobody’s ever seen anything like” what’s happening with markets right now.

What is a stock market crash?

A stock market crash is when there is a sudden decrease in stock prices across an entire market or a specific sector of that market. There are several factors that can cause a stock market crash, including economic downturns or political instability. In some cases, a major event such as 9/11 can cause a temporary drop in stocks as investors wait to see how events will unfold before investing again.