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The Champions League Final is one of the most anticipated events in sports. However, the final match was delayed for several hours due to an act of terrorism.

The Champions League Final was supposed to be a historic night for Paris Saint-Germain, as they were going to win their first European Cup in their history. The game between PSG and Manchester United had been building up for months, with both teams having won the domestic league and cup competitions in their respective countries. The two teams had also scored a combined total of 180 goals throughout the season, which made it look like it would be a high scoring game.

However, on May 29th at around 8:00 PM CEST (Central European Summer Time), just as the game was about to begin, an explosion went off outside of Parc des Princes stadium. Police immediately evacuated fans from the stadium and closed down all transportation routes into Paris. After an investigation into what happened, authorities found that a suicide bomber had blown himself up outside of Parc des Princes stadium after failing to get inside.