Why is stairway to heaven forbidden

The video for the song “Stairway to Heaven” was banned in some countries.

The video for Led Zeppelin’s classic rock anthem “Stairway to Heaven” was banned in some countries due to its occult imagery. The video for the song, which has been viewed over 700 million times on YouTube, features a band of robed figures performing a ritual around a burning pentagram. In addition to the pentagram, there are other signs of paganism and witchcraft such as dancing around an altar and playing instruments made from animal bones. The video is largely symbolic, but it is still clear that it has a very dark tone.

In 1981, “Stairway to Heaven” was released as part of the band’s untitled fourth album. The song quickly became one of their most popular songs and went on to become one of the most played songs in history. However, despite its popularity, the music video was banned from MTV in 1991 due to its occult imagery.