Why is Spaz derogatory

The word spaz has been used as a derogatory term for people with disabilities since the 1980s.

In the 1980s, the word spaz was used to describe someone who was clumsy or who moved in an awkward way. The word is commonly associated with people with disabilities, however, which has led to some controversy over its use. People have said that it’s not just insensitive but also offensive to use the word spaz to describe someone with a disability. The controversy surrounding the word has caused many people to try and stop using it altogether.

What does Spaz mean?

The origin of the word spaz is unclear, but there are two theories about where it came from. One theory suggests that it comes from a combination of “spastic” and “jerk” while another suggests that it comes from “spasmatic” or “spasmodic.” The first theory seems more likely given that there is no evidence of jerk being used in this way before 1981 and there are many examples of people using spastic and spasmodic as insults for each other before this time.

Why is Spaz derogatory?

Many people believe that using the term spaz is offensive because it equates having a disability with being clumsy or awkward. This association makes those who use the term think less of those they call a spaz, which can be hurtful for those who have disabilities.