Why is Omicron so contagious

Omicron is a highly contagious disease that causes victims to lose their sense of smell.

A mysterious and highly contagious disease known as Omicron has been spreading across the globe since June 2021. Omicron is a virus that attacks the olfactory nerve, causing victims to lose their sense of smell. Symptoms include fever, chills, and a sore throat, with patients eventually developing an inability to detect any smells at all. The disease has killed over 30 million people worldwide so far and scientists are still working on developing a cure.

What is Omicron?

Omicron is a virus that was first discovered in late 2021 in China. The name comes from the Greek letter “omicron”, which looks like an upside down “U”. The symptoms of Omicron were first reported by Chinese doctors in November 2021, when they noticed several patients suffering from similar symptoms. Doctors initially believed it was some kind of flu virus but soon discovered it was something much more serious.

How does Omicron spread?

“It’s very difficult to determine how exactly this virus spreads,” says Dr. David Jones, Chief Medical Officer for the UK government.”In many cases we have found that it can be transmitted through coughing or sneezing but there have also been some reports of direct contact with bodily fluids such as saliva or sweat.”