Why is novak Djokovic not vaccinated

Novak Djokovic’s wife Jelena Djokovic revealed that she and her husband had chosen not to vaccinate their children.

Novak Djokovic’s wife Jelena Djokovic has revealed that she and her husband have chosen not to vaccinate their children. Speaking to The Guardian, the tennis star’s wife said that they had decided against vaccinations because of “personal reasons”. She said: “We are just a little hesitant about vaccines. We are not anti-vaccine, but I do not know why I should force my child to be vaccinated if he is healthy and strong. He got his first vaccination when he was one year old, but after that we stopped because of personal reasons. “I read a lot of books about it that some vaccines contain a lot of mercury which is dangerous for health, especially for babies who are still developing. And some vaccines have some other chemical substances in them which can be dangerous for small kids as well as adults.

It is important to note that no scientific study has ever shown any link between vaccines and autism or other disorders, although there is still some debate on this issue among the public.