Why is gas going up 2022

Why is gas going up in 2022?

The price of gas has been steadily rising since 2017, and is expected to continue to rise until 2022. Although there are many factors that affect the price of gas, including supply and demand, as well as speculation on the futures market, the main reason for the rising cost of gas is taxes.

While it’s true that a lot of people use natural gas for cooking and heating their homes, it’s also used to make electricity. Electricity generation accounts for almost half of all natural gas consumption in the United States. And while natural gas prices have risen by nearly 50% since 2017, electricity prices have remained relatively stable.

This means that people who use natural gas to heat their homes are paying a lot more than they would if they were using electricity instead. This may seem unfair at first glance, but it’s important to remember that electricity generators pay nothing for their fuel – unlike those who heat with natural gas.