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Fortnite’s mysterious “To Be Continued” message is just a hint that the game will be adding a new battle pass.

Fortnite has become one of the most popular video games in the world, with players of all ages playing and streaming the game every day. Fortnite’s popularity has led to its own merchandise, as well as a film adaptation that’s currently in production. However, there’s still some confusion surrounding Fortnite and its mysterious “To Be Continued…” message. This has led to many theories about what it could mean for the future of Fortnite.

What does Fortnite mean by “To Be Continued…”?

A few weeks ago, players started noticing that every time they completed a match of Fortnite Battle Royale, they would see a short clip at the end that said “To Be Continued…”. This message was especially confusing for fans because it didn’t appear to have any relevance to anything else going on in-game or in-storyline. Many fans began speculating that this was just Epic Games messing with them or teasing an upcoming announcement.

Why is Fortnite saying To Be Continued?

Fortnitetracker, which is an unofficial site dedicated to tracking everything about Fortnite Battle Royale, including all stats and announcements from Epic Games, recently updated their site with an announcement about this message from Epic Games.

“Epic have released another update for “To be continued…”. The text now says “This season’s battle pass ends soon”. This suggests we will see something new at the end of this season.”

“What could it be? New skins? A new map? An end date for Season 10?”

“The answer is likely to come next week during TwitchCon.”