Why is Diesel so expensive

Diesel prices have increased by 15% since the start of 2021.

Diesel prices have increased by 15% since the start of 2021, with many experts pointing to the introduction of a new carbon tax as the cause. The UK government introduced a new carbon tax in January 2021 to combat climate change and reduce emissions. This was accompanied by a 1p increase in fuel duty, which has been frozen for several years. The changes are expected to raise £1 billion per year for the Treasury, but many believe that this is not enough to offset higher oil prices.

What is Diesel?

Diesel is an alternative fuel that can be used in cars and other vehicles. It’s often considered more environmentally friendly than petrol because it produces less CO2 when burned. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s better for the environment overall. In fact, there are some countries where diesel has been banned due to its high levels of pollutants.

Why is Diesel so expensive?

Petrol prices have risen across Europe over recent months due to higher oil prices, but diesel has seen an even bigger rise than petrol.