Why is chocolate bad for dogs

Dogs are particularly susceptible to theobromine, a chemical found in chocolate.

Dogs are particularly susceptible to theobromine, a chemical found in chocolate. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has put together a list of symptoms that indicate your dog may have eaten chocolate. The ASPCA advises that if you notice any of these symptoms, you should call your veterinarian immediately.

What is theobromine?

Theobromine is an alkaloid that is similar in structure to caffeine. It occurs naturally in cocoa beans and is present in cocoa, chocolate and some cola nuts. The chemical acts as a stimulant for humans but can be dangerous for dogs. According to ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center data from 2014, about one-third of all pet poisonings involve chocolate.

What are the symptoms?

The ASPCA lists some of the most common symptoms as excessive thirst or urination, hyperactivity or lethargy, abnormal heart rhythm and vomiting. Other signs include agitation or hyperactivity, muscle tremors and seizures.