Why is 2/22/22 special

The date 2/22/22 is special because it marks the day the first manned mission to Mars departs.

There are many dates that are significant in the world of science fiction, but none more so than 2/22/22. On this day, February 22nd, 2022, a manned mission to Mars will depart Earth for the first time. The mission will take approximately four months to reach its destination and will include six astronauts. The mission is expected to last for around three years and will include research into Martian life forms as well as a search for water.

The departure of this historic mission is not just an exciting prospect for fans of science fiction, but also for scientists and engineers who have been working on it since 2022. Although there have been several unmanned missions to Mars over the years, 2/22/22 marks the first time that humans have set foot on another planet.