Why eggs on Easter

Eggs have been a part of Easter celebrations for hundreds of years.

Eggs have been a part of Easter celebrations for hundreds of years, but why exactly? It’s certainly not because they’re the best thing to eat at the time, as they were traditionally only eaten during Lent. This is due to their high cholesterol content and how difficult it was to keep them fresh. Eggs were so hard to keep fresh that it was even forbidden by some religions and religious groups to eat them before Lent. Even after Lent had ended, eggs were still considered a luxury food in many parts of the world.

The tradition began in the 16th century with Catholics who would use eggs as an act of devotion on Easter Sunday. In some countries, this tradition evolved into egg rolling competitions or egg hunts for children, while in others people would paint or dye eggs as a symbol of new life after Christ’s resurrection. However, there are other theories about why eggs became such an important part of Easter celebrations.

What is Pascha?

“Pascha”, also known as “Easter”, is a Christian holiday celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead. It’s one of the most important holidays in Christianity and marks the end of Lent.

How did Pascha become associated with eggs?

“Pascha”, also known as “Easter”, is a Christian holiday celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead. It’s one of the most important holidays in Christianity and marks the end of Lent.

The egg has long been associated with new life thanks to its ability to hatch into something completely different than what it once was – which ties back into how Christians viewed Jesus’ resurrection after he died on Good Friday. Because they are so closely tied together, some people believe that eating eggs during Pascha became more common when people began celebrating both holidays at once.

However, there are other theories about why eggs became such an important part of Easter celebrations: One theory says that eating an egg during Pascha was meant to represent fertility because springtime coincides with mating season for many animals – including humans – which can lead to pregnancy and childbirth later on in life.

Another theory says that eggs became an important part because they could be found all over Europe around this time due to their popularity among poultry farmers who used them for food and fertilizer for their chickens. This would explain why it spread across so many countries despite each country having its own traditions surrounding Pascha.