Why does Gregory Porter wear a hat

The hat Gregory Porter wears in his music videos is the same one he wore as a young man.

In the videos for his songs “Holding On” and “No Love Dying,” Gregory Porter wears a hat that has become synonymous with his public persona. It’s an old hat that he began wearing when he was younger, but fans have taken to it as a way to connect with him. In an interview with NPR, Porter said that the hat was actually given to him by his mother and that it had been her mother’s before that. The songwriter went on to say that he has never really been able to take it off, even when performing on stage.

In addition to the fact that the hat has been passed down through generations of Porters, there is another reason why Gregory Porter feels so connected to it. When he was younger, Porter says that many people made fun of him for wearing the old fedora. As such, it became something of a symbol for him and something he wanted others to see as a representation of who he is.