Why do we celebrate Ram Navami

Ram Navami is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Rama.

Ram Navami is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Rama. It falls on the ninth day of Chaitra, which is usually in March or April. The festival is marked by religious processions and celebrations that involve children and adults alike. There are also many cultural events that take place during Ram Navami, including music and dance performances, poetry recitals, plays and even some street theatre.

What is Ram Navami?

Ram Navami commemorates the birth of Lord Rama. It falls on the ninth day of Chaitra, which usually falls in March or April. The festival was traditionally celebrated with a procession from Ayodhya to Janakpur in Nepal, but this practice has been banned since 1995 due to political tensions between India and Nepal.

How do people celebrate Ram Navami?

“Ravan Hatao”

The most common way people celebrate Ram Navami is by holding religious processions that involve people carrying images of Lord Rama through their towns or villages. These processions are accompanied by music bands playing traditional songs about Lord Rama’s life and teachings. People also carry large posters bearing images of Lord Rama or his wife Sita to mark the occasion.

Some towns hold celebrations at their local temples with traditional dances, poetry recitals and plays being performed throughout the day.

The celebrations aren’t just limited to towns though – there are many events held in schools as well as colleges across India.

In some areas they also celebrate by setting up temporary pandals (tents) where they hold cultural programmes such as dance performances, magic shows and puppet shows for kids.

Some groups will also hold street plays where actors re-enact scenes from Lord Rama’s life.
“Bali Pratahkal”