Why do we celebrate Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti is celebrated on January 14th every year.

Makar Sankranti is an Indian festival that takes place on January 14th every year. It’s a harvest festival that celebrates the transition from winter to spring, and marks the end of the harvest season. The name Makar Sankranti translates to “solar passage”, which refers to the sun’s movement into Capricorn, which takes place on this day. The festival is celebrated in various ways across India, with each region having its own traditions and customs.

What do people do during Makar Sankranti?

There are many different things that people do during Makar Sankranti, but they all have one thing in common: they celebrate the changing of seasons. In some regions of India, it’s traditional for people to wear yellow clothes or saris and offer gifts of yellow flowers to their friends and family members. This stems from a belief that yellow is an auspicious color for this time of year.

Some communities hold parades where floats are pulled through town by people dressed as animals or gods and goddesses. Other communities hold competitions where participants dress up as gods or demons and try to scare away evil spirits with firecrackers or loud noises.