Why do they put mirrors in elevators

The mirrors in elevators are there to help you avoid standing too close to other people.

If you’ve ever been in an elevator, you’ve probably noticed that there is a mirror inside. The mirrors are not there for decoration or to give the elevator a luxurious feel. Instead, they are placed in elevators to help people avoid standing too close to one another. If you have ever been crammed into an elevator with strangers, then you will know how uncomfortable it can be. You may have even had someone stand uncomfortably close to you while they pressed the buttons for their floor.

The reason why mirrors are placed in elevators is because they give people a way of seeing how much space they take up and where their body is positioned relative to others around them. When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we see our own bodies from the outside looking in and this helps us gauge how much space we take up and whether or not we are taking up too much space.