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Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November.

Thanksgiving is a federal holiday in the United States, falling on the fourth Thursday of November. It’s celebrated in many other countries around the world, but with different names and dates. In America, it’s an annual celebration that includes a family feast and a big football game. The date is always fixed at the fourth Thursday of November to ensure that it doesn’t conflict with any other important holidays or events. It’s also seen as a time for Americans to give thanks for all they have in their lives.

Thanksgiving celebrations began as early as 1621, when the Plymouth colonists held a feast after surviving their first year in America. The first official Thanksgiving Day was held by Massachusetts governor William Bradford on October 3rd 1637. This was due to an exceptionally bountiful harvest and was declared by Bradford to be “a day of thanksgiving”. However, this didn’t become an annual event until 1863 when Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving Day a national holiday in America.

When did Americans start celebrating Thanksgiving?

The first ever Thanksgiving Day took place in 1621 at Plymouth Plantation.

The first ever Thanksgiving Day took place in 1621 at Plymouth Plantation.
It wasn’t until 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln declared it an official federal holiday.

It wasn’t until 1863 that President Abraham Lincoln declared it an official federal holiday.

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(Image courtesy of Pixabay)