Why did my spotify log me out

Spotify has announced that it will be cutting back on its free streaming tier, which has led to many users being logged out of their accounts.

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world, but it’s about to change how it operates. On September 28th, Spotify announced that it would be cutting back on its free streaming tier. The service currently offers a limited amount of ad-supported music to its users, but this will be reduced significantly in 2021. This means that millions of Spotify users have been logged out of their accounts and are unable to access any free content. While some may see this as a positive move by Spotify, others are outraged at the decision.

Spotify’s decision was made following an extensive study conducted by the company in 2021. This study showed that people who were able to access unlimited amounts of ad-supported music through Spotify did not convert into paying customers at a high enough rate for the company’s liking. As such, they decided to reduce the amount of ad-supported music available and only allow new users to access this content for two months before they have to pay for a subscription.