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Kenedi Anderson announced on the October 28th episode of American Idol that she was withdrawing from the competition.

American Idol is a show that many people look forward to each year, as it’s been a huge part of pop culture for over two decades. The most recent season of American Idol aired in Spring 2021 and featured Kenedi Anderson as one of its contestants. The young singer from Alabama was well-liked by fans and judges alike, but she surprised everyone when she announced on the October 28th episode that she was withdrawing from the competition.

Why did Kenedi Anderson withdraw from American Idol?

Anderson’s announcement came as a shock to everyone involved with the show, including fellow contestant Mollie Thomas. She explained that she had recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer and didn’t want to put her health at risk by continuing on in the competition. It was also revealed that her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and needed her daughter to be at home while she received treatment.

What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is an illness caused by abnormal cells in a woman’s cervix, which is located between her vagina and uterus. These abnormal cells can become cancerous if they are not treated or prevented before they spread into other parts of the body. Cervical cancer is usually caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be spread through sexual contact or skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. It’s estimated that about 3% of women will develop cervical cancer during their lifetime, making it one of the most common types of cancers among women worldwide.