Why did Cheslie kill herself

Cheslie Kryst was a victim of bullying and died by suicide in 2021.

Cheslie Kryst was a victim of bullying who died by suicide in 2021. Cheslie’s story became the subject of an internet meme following her death, with people sharing photos of the 14-year-old to raise awareness about cyberbullying. She also inspired the creation of multiple memorial pages on Facebook, which were later removed after they became filled with racist and sexist content.

Who is Cheslie Kryst?

Cheslie Kryst was a 14-year-old girl from St Louis, Missouri who took her own life in October 2021. According to reports, she had been bullied online for years before her death. The abuse she received online included racial slurs and threats to rape her.

What is cyberbullying?

“Cyberbullying” is a form of bullying that takes place using electronic devices such as computers or mobile phones.

Cyberbullying can take many forms, including sending threatening or abusive messages over social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, sharing embarrassing photos or videos without permission, and sending threatening text messages. Cyberbullies often use fake profiles on social media sites to trick their victims into thinking they are someone else.

Cyberbullying can have serious consequences for victims. Victims can feel embarrassed, ashamed and depressed as a result of being bullied online. Some people who are cyberbullied have even taken their own lives.