Why did Boris Johnson resign

Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister on October 27th, 2022.

The resignation of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister was announced on October 27th, 2022. The news came as a shock to many in the country, who had been watching Boris Johnson’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference earlier that day. In his speech, he discussed how the Conservative Party would be fighting for the “interests of the people” and against “the vested interests of this country”. This language was familiar to anyone who had followed Boris Johnson during his time as Mayor of London or during his first term as Prime Minister. The phrasing had led many to believe that he would run for a second term and finish what he started.

So why did Boris Johnson resign?

What happened at the Conservative Party Conference?

On October 26th, 2022, Boris Johnson gave a speech at the Conservative Party Conference in which he spoke about what Britain could do after Brexit and how it could take its place on the world stage once again.