Why can’t Ukraine join NATO

Russia is strongly opposed to Ukraine joining NATO.

Ukraine’s bid to join NATO has been a controversial topic for years, but the country’s recent conflict with Russia has made it even more difficult. In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that bans the country from joining any military alliance, including NATO. This move came after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had announced his intention to apply for full membership in the military alliance. But why is Russia so strongly opposed to Ukraine joining NATO?

Why does Russia oppose Ukraine joining NATO?

There are several reasons why Russia opposes Ukraine joining NATO. First of all, there is a general fear of encirclement by the Western military alliance. Russia has long been concerned about its borders and how they might be protected against other countries.

Secondly, many Russians have also felt threatened by NATO expansion since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. There was a feeling that as soon as one former Soviet state joined the alliance, others would follow suit and then start encroaching on Russian territory.

Finally, there are historical reasons behind this tension between Russia and Ukraine that date back to when both countries were part of the Soviet Union. The main reason for this mistrust is due to an agreement made between Stalin and Hitler in 1939 which divided Poland between them.

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