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Tics are common in teens, but they can be embarrassing and disruptive.

Tics are involuntary movements or sounds that people make. They are more common in children than adults, and they usually go away on their own. Tics can be mild or severe. Mild tics may not cause any problems at all, while severe tics can disrupt daily life.

There is no cure for tic disorders. But there are things you can do to help manage them. These include:

  • Learning relaxation techniques. You can learn how to relax your muscles by practicing yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and other relaxation techniques.
  • Using biofeedback. This involves using a machine that measures your heart rate and breathing to teach you how to control these things.
  • Working with a speech therapist. Your speech therapist will work with you on ways to make your tics less noticeable when you speak.
What causes tic disorders?

“Tic disorders” is the name for a group of related conditions. They include:
•Tourette syndrome (TS)
•Transient tic disorder
•Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
•Provisional tic disorder