Why are sirens going off right now

The sirens have been going off in London for the past few days, but nobody knows why.

Londoners have been asking why the city’s air raid sirens are going off for the past few days. The first one was heard on October 26th, which prompted social media users to ask if there was a fire nearby. However, it soon became clear that this wasn’t the case and that the sound of the siren had nothing to do with any fires or other emergencies. This didn’t stop people from speculating about what might be causing them, though.

The first theory to emerge was that they were being used as part of a film shoot. This theory was supported by some social media users who claimed to have seen production trucks near where they heard the sirens. However, this was quickly dismissed by others who said that they’d seen no evidence of filming and that it seemed unlikely that they would be used in such a way without anyone knowing about it beforehand.

Another theory suggested that they were being used as part of an anti-terrorist drill. The idea behind this is that there could be someone out there planning an attack and so police wanted to test their response time in case something happened.