Why are penises shaped the way they are

The penis is a reproductive organ that can grow up to 5 inches long, but it’s not the only shape and size out there.

Why are penises shaped the way they are? The answer to this question depends on who you ask. Some people believe that the shape of a penis is designed to help it fit into a vagina during sex, while others believe that its shape is more closely related to a man’s testosterone levels. The truth lies somewhere in between.

What does science say about penis shapes?

A study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that there was an average difference of 0.14 inches between erect and flaccid penises. However, even though most men fall within this range, it doesn’t mean that all penises will be shaped exactly like this. While there may be an average difference in length between erect and flaccid penises, there are plenty of other factors that can influence how a penis looks.

How does genetics play into penis size?

Genetics plays a large role in determining how big your penis will be when it’s fully erect. Your genes also determine how much testosterone you have been exposed to as well as your body fat percentage.

What about environmental factors?

How do I know if my environment has affected my penis size?