What is Palm Sunday and why do we celebrate it

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, when Christians celebrate Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday is the day before Easter, which commemorates Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem. The story of Palm Sunday is found in all four Gospels and starts with Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem to the sound of people cheering. This was a very unusual sight, as donkeys were considered unclean animals at the time. The people who cheered for Jesus were waving palm branches and crying out “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey to fulfill an Old Testament prophecy that said that one day a king would come riding on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9). When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he was fulfilling this prophecy and showing his humility by not coming in on a horse or some other form of transportation.