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Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence that precedes Easter Sunday.

What is Lent? Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence that precedes Easter Sunday. It’s observed by many Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Anglican Communion, and some Protestant churches. Lent takes place during the six weeks before Easter and ends on Holy Saturday. The name Lent comes from the Old English word “lencten” which means spring. Some historians believe it was originally a pagan festival celebrating the lengthening days.

When does Lent take place?

The dates for Lent vary depending on which Christian denomination observes it. In 2019, most churches will observe Lent from February 14th to April 1st. However, some churches will start observing it earlier or later than this date.

Why do people observe lent?

“Lent”: A Christian tradition of 40 days of fasting and prayer.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts until Easter Sunday.

This time period is used to reflect on one’s life in preparation for Good Friday (when Jesus Christ was crucified) and Easter Sunday (when he rose again). Christians use this time to pray more often than usual in order to grow closer to God. Many Christians also choose not to eat meat or engage in sexual activity during this time.