What do you understand by open book exam

An open book exam is a test where students are allowed to bring in notes and study materials to help them.

Many students believe that an open book exam is a sign of a lenient teacher, but it’s not as simple as that. There are many different types of open book exams, and they can be used for different reasons. In this article, we’ll look at the most common types of open book exams and what they’re used for.

What is an open book exam?

An open book exam is one where students are allowed to bring in study materials or notes to help them answer questions. The key difference between this type of test and a closed book exam is that students are allowed to use their notes during the test itself. It’s worth noting that some teachers may require you to place your notes on the desk in front of you while you take the test, while others will allow you to keep your books with you at all times.

How do I prepare for an open book exam?

“How do I prepare for an open book exam?”

The first thing you need to know about preparing for an open-book test is what material will be allowed. Some teachers will allow anything from textbooks, workbooks, and old tests, while others may only allow basic study guides or course outlines. Make sure you check with your teacher before starting any preparation.

“How do I prepare for an open-book test?”

The first thing you need to know about preparing for an open-book test is what material will be allowed. Some teachers will allow anything from textbooks, workbooks, and old tests, while others may only allow basic study guides or course outlines. Make sure you check with your teacher before starting any preparation.

Next up comes studying itself: how much time should you spend on it? This depends on how much time there is until the test itself (and how much time there was between when the assignment was given out and when it’s due). If there’s plenty of time left until the actual day of the test then there’s no harm in spending hours reading through your textbook or rereading lecture slides over again.

If there isn’t much time left before the actual day then make sure not to spend too long trying out new things; instead focus on making sure that everything else has been learned well enough so that if something doesn’t go according to plan during the actual day then it won’t affect your score too badly.

If possible try practising some questions beforehand so that if something does go wrong during the real day then at least some progress has been made towards learning what went wrong.