define environment

The environment is a major topic of discussion for politicians, who debate how to best protect it.

The environment is a broad term that covers everything from pollution to climate change. The latter is one of the most prominent topics in the political world, with many politicians debating how to best protect the environment. The biggest issue with climate change is that there are no easy solutions. There are various ways to combat climate change, such as implementing more green energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but each has its own downsides and drawbacks.

While it’s difficult for politicians to find solutions for such a large problem, there are still several things they can do to help the environment. Many governments around the world have set goals for themselves when it comes to protecting the environment. For example, in 2018 China set a goal of reaching “a peak on carbon dioxide emissions by 2030” and “to make best efforts to peak early”. Meanwhile, countries like France have pledged their support for the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.