Dee why flooding

The UK has been hit by a number of floods in recent years, but why is the country so prone to them?

The UK has seen its fair share of floods in recent years, with the wettest winter on record causing widespread chaos and damage. The flooding has been so bad that it’s led to a number of questions being asked about why the country is so prone to this type of natural disaster. So, what is it about the UK that makes it such an easy target for flooding?

Why are there so many floods in the UK?

The UK sees a lot of rain every year, with an average rainfall amounting to around 1,125mm (44 inches) per year. The rainfall that hits Britain is also more likely to be in short bursts rather than steady drizzle. This can lead to flash flooding, which occurs when water levels rise rapidly due to a short period of intense rainfall.

What makes some areas more susceptible than others?

There are several factors that can make certain areas more susceptible than others:
Topography – if an area is surrounded by hills or mountains then any rainwater will have nowhere else to go but down towards people’s homes.
Land use – if land isn’t managed properly then soil erosion can occur which means water runs off more quickly and causes flooding.
Flood defences – there are various flood defences already in place across the country but they aren’t always effective or well maintained.
Climate change – climate change may not be solely responsible for all flooding events but it does make them worse as rising temperatures lead to increased evaporation and therefore increased rainfall.