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Daylight Savings Time was created to save energy during World War I.

Daylight Saving Time was created to save energy during World War I. This practice has been implemented in the United States and Canada for over 100 years, but it wasn’t until 1916 that Germany and Austria-Hungary implemented it as well. The idea behind Daylight Saving Time is that if you move clocks forward one hour, you get an extra hour of daylight in the evening, which means people don’t have to use artificial light as much. During World War I, Britain needed more time to produce bombs and shells for their war effort.

So on May 21st 1916, the UK moved their clocks forward by an hour. It was not a popular decision at first; many people were against changing their daily routines. But after the war ended in 1918, Britain decided to keep Daylight Saving Time year round.