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The night sky is filled with twinkling stars and planets, but the planets do not twinkle.

The night sky is filled with twinkling stars and planets, but the planets do not twinkle. This is because they are so far away from Earth that their light does not reach us directly, but instead reflects off of the sun’s rays. Stars on the other hand are much closer to Earth and therefore their light reaches us directly.

How big are stars?

Stars come in a variety of sizes, with some being much larger than others. The smallest star is the red dwarf, which can be as small as half of Jupiter’s mass. On the other hand, some of the largest stars can have more than 300 times Jupiter’s mass.

How far away are they?

Most stars are extremely far away from Earth, meaning that they appear to twinkle because of how light reflects off of them. Stars that are closer to Earth will not appear to twinkle as much because there isn’t a large distance between them and our planet.