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Why not Mallorca is a series of questions that was asked by young people in the UK.

Over the past few years, more and more young people have been asking a question that seems to be posed to anyone who will listen: “Why not Mallorca?” It’s an odd question, but it’s one that has taken hold of the UK, becoming a sort of rallying cry for those who are unhappy with their current situation. There are many different reasons why so many young people want to move to Mallorca, but it seems as though there is one answer that overrides all others: climate change.

What is Why Not Mallorca?

Why Not Mallorca (WNM) is an activist group made up entirely of British residents under 30. WNM first came together in 2018 when it was announced that the UK would be leaving the European Union. WNM’s goal was to help make sure Brexit didn’t affect young people negatively. The movement has since grown into something much larger than just Brexit; it’s become a way for young people in Britain to make their voices heard on a variety of issues, including climate change.

What does Why Not Mallorca stand for?

WNM stands for “why not mallorca?”

The phrase “why not mallorca?” has become synonymous with the group and its mission statement. This slogan serves as both an invitation and a challenge – an invitation for other activists around the world to join them in their fight against climate change and a challenge for others to consider what they can do about climate change themselves.