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Good Friday is the day that Christians celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday is a Christian holiday celebrated on the Friday before Easter Sunday. The day commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and it’s often referred to as Holy Friday or Black Friday. Good Friday is also a public holiday in many countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany, and Sweden. In these countries, Good Friday is typically a non-working day.

What is Good Friday?

Good Friday has been observed by Christians for over 2,000 years. It’s a time when people attend church services to remember the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Many Christians believe that Jesus was crucified on this day as part of God’s plan to save humanity from sin.

Why do we call it Good Friday?

“Good”, in this case, means holy or sacred rather than happy or positive. The name comes from Old English “gōd”, which translates to good.