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Fortnite’s servers have been down for over 24 hours, and Epic Games has yet to release an official statement.

Fortnite’s servers have been down for over 24 hours, and Epic Games has yet to release an official statement. The outage has been affecting players around the world, with many unable to log in or even launch the game. Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode is also unavailable on all platforms, while Save the World is also experiencing issues.

While some Fortnite fans are patiently waiting for Epic Games to restore service, others are starting to lose their patience. The developers have come under fire from players on social media who are accusing them of not caring about the issue or not doing enough to fix it. Some users even claim that they were charged for their V-Bucks when they logged in during the outage.

Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode, which is free-to-play and available on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, sees 100 players dropped onto a giant island where they must scavenge weapons and build defences before battling it out until only one player remains.


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