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February is Black History Month in the United States, a month dedicated to celebrating the contributions of African Americans.

February is Black History Month in the United States, a month dedicated to celebrating the contributions of African Americans. The first celebration was held in 1926, when historian Carter G. Woodson and his Association for the Study of Negro Life and History held an event at Howard University to honor black soldiers who fought during World War I. It wasn’t until 1976 that President Gerald Ford officially declared February as Black History Month, but it wasn’t until 1987 that it became a national holiday.

The history of black people in America has been both inspirational and tragic. Slavery was legal for over 200 years and although slavery was abolished after the Civil War, it left behind generations of black people who were denied their rights as citizens. Even after slavery ended, black people were still not considered equal to white people and segregation laws remained on the books for decades after that.

Black History Month is a time to celebrate all that African Americans have accomplished despite all they have had to overcome. It’s also an opportunity for everyone else to learn about what African Americans have contributed to society throughout history.