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Subtitles are a common sight on TV shows, but the reason why they’re there is rarely explained.

It’s a common sight on television to see subtitles on shows, especially when it comes to foreign language programs. But why do these subtitles exist? And what purpose do they serve?

Why are subtitles so popular?

While it’s true that some people have trouble hearing dialogue due to age or medical conditions, most people turn on subtitles because of how hard it can be to understand certain accents. These accents can vary from region to region and even from person to person. It can also be difficult for viewers to understand dialogue when characters are talking over one another or when music is playing in the background.

What languages do you find most often with subtitles?

The three languages you’ll find most often with subtitles in the UK are Polish, Urdu and Punjabi. This is because these languages tend to have more complex sounds than English does. This makes them more difficult for native English speakers to understand.