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Novak Djokovic is one of the most successful tennis players of all time, but his lack of vaccination has led to him being called out by some in the medical community.

The majority of professional athletes are vaccinated against a number of diseases, including measles. Tennis star Novak Djokovic is one notable exception, having received only a few vaccinations during his childhood. While he doesn’t regret his decision not to vaccinate himself or his children, Djokovic has been criticized by some in the medical community for this decision.

What are vaccines?

Vaccines work by introducing a small amount of an inactive or weakened virus into the body. This triggers an immune response that allows the body to recognize and fight off that virus if it ever encounters it again. Vaccines are used to prevent a number of diseases, including measles and chickenpox.

Why does Novak Djokovic not vaccinate?

“I’m not going to go through all my reasoning,” said Novak Djokovic when asked about why he doesn’t get vaccinated against common diseases like measles and chickenpox.

In a recent interview with The New York Times, Novak Djokovic revealed that he does not get vaccinated because he believes that people should have more control over their own bodies. He also said that he believes vaccines cause side effects like autism in children and others who may be genetically predisposed to them.