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Black Friday was the day in 2022 when Boris Johnson became Prime Minister.

The term Black Friday has been used to refer to the day that Boris Johnson became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It’s a play on the American term Black Friday, which is used to refer to the day after Thanksgiving and is typically marked by high sales and heavy shopping. However, the term has also been used by some news outlets as a means of describing Boris Johnson’s victory over his rival Jeremy Hunt in 2022.

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is a colloquial term used in reference to a shopping day following Thanksgiving, which marks the beginning of Christmas shopping season. The holiday takes place on the fourth Thursday of November and typically involves heavy discounting from stores as they try to compete for customers over their last weekend before Christmas. It was first observed in America but has since spread worldwide. In fact, it’s become such an important part of retail culture that it’s now celebrated in other countries around the world, including Canada and Australia.