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People have been saying that turkey makes them sleepy for years.

Turkey has been the go-to Thanksgiving meal for years, but it’s not just because of its delicious taste. People have been saying for years that turkey makes them sleepy, but no one knows why. It turns out that there are a few scientific explanations as to why this might be.

Why does Turkey make you sleepy?

The first thing to know is that turkey contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps produce serotonin in the brain, which is known to make you feel relaxed and drowsy. However, there’s only a small amount of tryptophan in a serving of turkey compared to other foods containing it like cheese and chicken.

Why do some people get drowsy after eating turkey?

According to Healthline, another explanation is how we eat the food. Eating a large meal causes your body to produce more insulin than normal and this can lead to low blood sugar levels in some people. Low blood sugar levels cause fatigue and drowsiness as well.